Day Ski + Full Moon Ski! Free Ski Library at Larters Golf and Country Club Saturday February 24th noon – 8
Come chill with us all day at a free ski library at Larters Golf and Country Club in St.Andrews!!
Who participates:
Everyone! All welcome. You, your friends, your family…your dog?
All day! 12pm til 8pm. Soak up the sun during the day. Bring a date or some friends for a romantic/platonic night ski under the fool moon! Or ski all day.
Note there will be a break from 3pm-4pm for staff.
Borrow skis for free and try out a ski trail made just for the occasion. Also kicksleds and snowshoes to try. Adaptive equipment is also available for folks with disabilities. See m0re on that below.
This event is run by Winnipeg Trails, a local non-profit up to all kinds of fun things. Thanks to hundreds of generous Winnipeggers, most of the equipment is donated and now lovingly maintained by Winnipeg Trails staff for your use!
Our mobile library events are proudly supported by the hosting organizations (thank you RM of St.Andrews for this one!)
Supplementary funding for specialty programming is provided by partners at all levels of government. See the Winterpeg.org main page for more information on how this project started and is made possible.
What do I need to bring:
Warm clothes. Preferably in layers (outdoor winter activity can be warm!) Also bring a great attitude (or, well, whatever attitude you happen to have that day, but just be prepared to leave happy, because that’s the point.) 😊
If coming in the evening, you may wish to bring a headlamp if you have one. If the clouds permit, its a full moon and should be nice and visible there. How romantic…
Are there accessible washrooms, warm change areas, etc?
Typically, yes. Double check the location details on this page to be sure. Usually our mobile ski library visits are in partnership with a community centre for everyone’s comfort. Outdoor locations – once a staple of the pandemic-era early beginnings – are now rare. But from time to time we do host out in a park, so when they happen, you can expect a small fire pit and benches at minimum, and maybe even a visit from our horse trailer warming sauna…
Do I need to RSVP?
Yes please, that helps give us an idea of numbers to expect. If someone joins you at the last minute or you are just hearing about the event and its today, no worries, just come and tell folks to come along. The more the merrier. To RSVP, scroll down and click the button below.
Location and trail map:
Follow the signs to Larters and come see us at the club. Note the map below highlights just one leg of the many trails at Larters. All trails will be open for the event.
How to get there?
Google Maps is probably the best tool. Click here and choose your preferred mode of transportation.
Can I reserve ski boots or other equipment?
All equipment for the mobile ski library events is first come first serve. Come early if you are on a tight schedule and you must, but know that there is rarely a wait at most events thanks to the large amount of donated boots and skis from generous Winnipeggers! Meanwhile, if your boot size happens to be extra popular that day, there is other equipment you can try and friends to make! And hey, feel free to drop in any time. Note that we start to pack up during the last half our of the event.
Note for people with very large feet:
If you have very large feet, i.e. size 12 men’s and above, that’s where our stock starts to get a bit limited. If you have big feet and want to be sure you can ski, consider bringing sturdy hiking boots so you can use our NordicTrax adjustable binding these don’t require ski boots, but work best if your boots are nice and stiff.
I am a beginner, do you provide instruction?
We love it. Beginners make us very happy. That’s why we’re here. We’re happy to give the basic tips to everyone. It won’t take long to get anyone going and practicing. At some locations, you may be able to book a proper lesson. If so, the info will be posted here. But don’t worry, skiing is surprisingly easy to pick up and we’re here to help.
This location has lessons from 12-1 before the event starts for anyone wanting to get a little extra attention. Registration is separate and organized by the RM and will be posted shortly.
Can kids come?
You bet. We have lots of kids skis for example, and we tend to design small loops in conjunction with the main loop to little tykes can cruise in view of mom or dad. We even have an pulk or ahkio which allows you to ski with a small infant in tow to try out.
Are their supports available for persons with disabilities?
Yes, our goal is to make all our winter events accessible to everyone. Our staff receive training on tips and tricks for different abilities (visual impairments, wheelchair users, etc..) and what we don’t know we are learning together! We have staff who identify as disabled and some highly specialized staff who have participated at the highest levels in the Paralympics who are very keen to make sure everyone get out here.
If you have any questions – even basic ones such as navigating from the nearby bus stops, or Transit Plus, or simply want to make sure we have the right sit ski equipment for a given physical impairment, its a great idea to reach out as some of the info is specific and some of the equipment can be in high demand.
We would love to welcome you. To confirm adaptive equipment availability at this location or ask questions, please contact our accessibility specialist, Olex Korniiko, at [email protected]. NOTE: We also have specialized programming weekly, where you can join a community of folks with disabilities sharing their enthusiasm and skills together as a group. If you are interested in that too, please let Olex know.
Do you ever cancel? How cold is too cold?
For our events at community centres with nearby warm spaces, its usually game on. Parents with small children are advised to use their discretion. Don’t forget that skiing warms you up quickly. Some people like a challenge, after all, and winter is unpredictable even throughout the day. Bundle up.
For mobile library events in parks, or other areas where we host a visit in an outdoor area without a warm indoor space nearby, where our staff and attendees might risk frostbite standing around or putting on boots, our cutoff temperature is set at -25C. In the unlikely event this happens or if we get a truly extreme day (high winds with temperatures predicted below -30C during the event itself), we may cancel/reschedule at our discretion.
If we do cancel, we will update this post in real time, so if you are unsure, consider checking Winterpeg.org on your way out.
What if I love skiing/kicksledding/snowshoeing and want to rent some to take somewhere else?
For detailed info about rentals go here.
If you are planning a trip or want to check out some of the many cool ski sites in Winnipeg or around the province, you can rent some some! Many of ski stores around town rent out skis and will be happy to hook you up.
Get skis at the Bicycle Garden. When you rent skis from us, you are supporting our social enterprise and all of the cool programming we do – like these free mobile librairies. Win win.
Find us at the Forks again. We’ll be on the Nestawaya River Trail again this year. New this year: we are offering both skiing and skating lessons on weekends courtesy the Forks. Come Try winter! Skis and bikes can also be rented by donation to explore the trail on your own.
*New* Find us at Assiniboine Park. This year, we have made skis available for rent by donation out of a “Zoogipon” our new ski shack located next to the Duck Pond, where the family can skate and you can rent skis to enjoy the many trails maintained by Assiniboine Park Conservancy! Big thanks to Holz Construction for the shack donation!

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